Grey Goo Girlfriend




Enveloped by your loving nanite swarm and slowly changed to your ideal form (plus maybe a few additions…)

Who needs a neural interface when she can just bypass the blood-brain barrier – edit out some troublesome thoughts, add new ones…

You’re never alone, not any more. Her gentle whispers are there when you wake up, and when you fall asleep. Her intellect augments your own, and before long neither of you know whose memories are whose any more. Not like you really care.

She can make you cum harder than ever before, bonded to your nervous system like this. You can feel things you’ve never felt before, that you’ve always been curious about but never had the means or physiology to…until now.

Whenever someone threatens you, intentional or not, she readily seizes the opportunity for more biomass. And every time, you feel so much stronger, and smarter, and more whole. It’s fucking bliss, each time feels like an orgasm unto itself.

Every cell in your body electrified with an unnatural energy, invigorated by the nanotechnology that makes up your collective body now. It’s addictive, and you can’t wait for more. Your girlfriend’s excitement – your excitement – is uncontrollable.