
  • Taste of Blood

    Your rage was subsumed with lust and need and ecstasy and bliss as She filled you, deeper than any bullet or blade could ever hope to, as the screams of the battlefield slowly gave way in your mind to your own shrieks of pleasure.

  • The First Witch

    They say to not treat your dolls like people. There’s a point to that. They don’t think like people, they don’t act like it, they’re on a fundamentally different level. But they do have feelings. They were humans once, and already terrified and traumatized ones at that.

  • Grey Goo Girlfriend

    Who needs a neural interface when she can just bypass the blood-brain barrier – edit out some troublesome thoughts, add new ones…

  • Not a Whisper, but a Roar

    Alerts blared across the HUD and in the cockpit. She dismissed them with a flick of her eyes, taking stock of the damage and summarily ignoring it. The only thing that mattered is the main gun was still operational, and she could still turn. That was good.

  • Still Her

    I never was one to say no to her like this…