Flash Fiction

Stories that contain less than 1500 but more than 750 words. Expect a few minutes read-time.

  • Arco

    You tried to stand, to give chase, but fell even harder. This time you noticed the pain, and the wet warmth running down your thigh. You struggled to stop the bleeding, to do anything, but your fingers were already cold and you were already so weak from hunger.

  • Unruly Guests

    “Hope, would you mind escorting our guests out of the manor? I do believe they have exhausted my patience.” Her voice cut clear through the shouting, heard by more than just your ears. With practiced ease, you strode to the man and firmly grabbed him by the shoulder.


    Her signal on your HUD vanished. That was the fate of all dolls, eventually. Swallowed by an Incursion or the Shadows or even their own Witch’s magicks. Death and destruction were all that waited at the end of your road, but while you were still here, you had a duty.

  • DIY

    “Your record shows a history of a variety of mental illness – namely, autism, depression, and prior gender dysphoria. As a result, we cannot approve your procedure. Please accept our sincerest apologies; you may reapply at a future date with approval from three therapists.”

  • A Somber Duty

    This wasn’t to be a duel, but a slaughter. Simply exterminating vermin, and exacting just a slight bit of vengeance. She had firsthand experience with what he’d done to her darling doll, the sheer damage to her mind and soul that would never truly heal.