
  • Entrails (#EmptyOctober 5)

    You did your best to remember the brief training you’d received on how to talk to a doll. Soft, easy voice, like you’re addressing a child, don’t spook it…

  • Bile (#EmptyOctober 3)

    You felt like a passenger in your own body, watching your hands move of their own accord – *her* accord, guiding your fighter in. The craft slammed into the deck with a horrid screeching as every single alarm in the cockpit went off, but you kept your calm. Her presence was like a warm blanket.

  • Blood (#EmptyOctober 2)

    Be careful not to cut too often, too deeply, lest you dull your sharpness and lose your edge too soon. A good wielder knows when to strike and when to hold back. Trust in your wielder, weapon.


    Her signal on your HUD vanished. That was the fate of all dolls, eventually. Swallowed by an Incursion or the Shadows or even their own Witch’s magicks. Death and destruction were all that waited at the end of your road, but while you were still here, you had a duty.

  • Vessel

    A combat doll is simply a vessel containing barely restrained urges, and it won’t hesitate to let those loose when commanded. Ever seen one go feral on its witch? It’s a good thing they’re functionally immortal. The dolls have a bloodlust in more than just a murderous way, and you do not want to interrupt…

  • The First Witch

    They say to not treat your dolls like people. There’s a point to that. They don’t think like people, they don’t act like it, they’re on a fundamentally different level. But they do have feelings. They were humans once, and already terrified and traumatized ones at that.

  • dear combat doll

    Come back intact this time, dear. That’s an order, understood?

  • terrible combat doll

    “Ma’am, let me get this straight. You repurposed a civilian assistant doll into a combat doll?” “Yes.” “…that’s a fucking terrible idea. It’s your funeral though, I guess.” “Whatever. Am I dismissed, major?” Fucking witches.

  • Not a Whisper, but a Roar

    Alerts blared across the HUD and in the cockpit. She dismissed them with a flick of her eyes, taking stock of the damage and summarily ignoring it. The only thing that mattered is the main gun was still operational, and she could still turn. That was good.

  • The Archetype

    There were many built like her, but she was the archetype. Experimental technology deemed too dangerous or too high-maintenance for her production-model sisters, and an intellect backed with true artificial intelligence made her formidable, even among newer models. The navy deemed her too expensive to produce.

  • Sophistication

    Nearly a kilometer away, its handler watched through the scope of a high-power rifle. It was unaccustomed to being the center of attention – at least, the attention of people not trying to kill it.

  • Proper Use

    What could it possibly be sorry for? It wasn’t a close-combat doll; it didn’t have the strength, training, or even the programming to go toe-to-toe with even trained humans.