
  • Bile (#EmptyOctober 3)

    You felt like a passenger in your own body, watching your hands move of their own accord – *her* accord, guiding your fighter in. The craft slammed into the deck with a horrid screeching as every single alarm in the cockpit went off, but you kept your calm. Her presence was like a warm blanket.


    Her signal on your HUD vanished. That was the fate of all dolls, eventually. Swallowed by an Incursion or the Shadows or even their own Witch’s magicks. Death and destruction were all that waited at the end of your road, but while you were still here, you had a duty.

  • Sophistication

    Nearly a kilometer away, its handler watched through the scope of a high-power rifle. It was unaccustomed to being the center of attention – at least, the attention of people not trying to kill it.

  • Proper Use

    What could it possibly be sorry for? It wasn’t a close-combat doll; it didn’t have the strength, training, or even the programming to go toe-to-toe with even trained humans.