
  • Normalcy

    It had been years since the doll had been a doll, and yet some parts remained. The faint joint lines that betrayed a body of artificial creation, the soft glow behind its light blue eyes, the smooth movements and flow associated with chores it had done thousands of times before. And yet, there was something…

  • it still functions

    The mysteries would have to wait for another day. There was tea to be brewed, and breakfast to be made.

  • Broken Pieces

    And if a few pieces get mixed up along the way…well, that’s just how these things work, isn’t it?

  • Arco

    You tried to stand, to give chase, but fell even harder. This time you noticed the pain, and the wet warmth running down your thigh. You struggled to stop the bleeding, to do anything, but your fingers were already cold and you were already so weak from hunger.

  • Synchronicity

    If you or your doll partner begin to experience identity blending, shared dreams or hallucinations, or other such synchronicity events, immediate self-termination is advised. Failure to do so may lead to ego death, erroneous visions, delusion, reality corruption, and ultimately complete derealization and integration into the human subconscious.

  • Light the Candles (#EmptyOctober 1)

    Around you were a set of candles, five in total: one of each limb, and another for your head. You formed a human pentagram, tied up as you were. The rope was soft silk and extremely comfortable. Your girlfriend joked at being a witch, and you had always laughed, brushing it off.

  • Unruly Guests

    “Hope, would you mind escorting our guests out of the manor? I do believe they have exhausted my patience.” Her voice cut clear through the shouting, heard by more than just your ears. With practiced ease, you strode to the man and firmly grabbed him by the shoulder.

  • Pair-Bonded

    Sharing your partner’s every intimate thought and desire lends itself to altering both selves into a blended amalgam of the two, a swirling pool of thoughts where there used to be two distinct beings.

  • heat doll

    Combat dolls are easily appreciated – automata finely tuned to wreak havoc and cause immense amounts of destruction. Their kin, on the other hand, are sorely under-appreciated – firefighting dolls, and their attendant rescue crews.

  • Still Her

    I never was one to say no to her like this…