
  • Agency

    A witch’s ability to warp the Real to Her whims is not, as commonly believed, based in magic.

  • Broken Pieces

    And if a few pieces get mixed up along the way…well, that’s just how these things work, isn’t it?

  • Arco

    You tried to stand, to give chase, but fell even harder. This time you noticed the pain, and the wet warmth running down your thigh. You struggled to stop the bleeding, to do anything, but your fingers were already cold and you were already so weak from hunger.

  • Taste of Blood

    Your rage was subsumed with lust and need and ecstasy and bliss as She filled you, deeper than any bullet or blade could ever hope to, as the screams of the battlefield slowly gave way in your mind to your own shrieks of pleasure.

  • Pair-Bonded

    Sharing your partner’s every intimate thought and desire lends itself to altering both selves into a blended amalgam of the two, a swirling pool of thoughts where there used to be two distinct beings.

  • terrible combat doll

    “Ma’am, let me get this straight. You repurposed a civilian assistant doll into a combat doll?” “Yes.” “…that’s a fucking terrible idea. It’s your funeral though, I guess.” “Whatever. Am I dismissed, major?” Fucking witches.

  • Proper Use

    What could it possibly be sorry for? It wasn’t a close-combat doll; it didn’t have the strength, training, or even the programming to go toe-to-toe with even trained humans.

  • A Somber Duty

    This wasn’t to be a duel, but a slaughter. Simply exterminating vermin, and exacting just a slight bit of vengeance. She had firsthand experience with what he’d done to her darling doll, the sheer damage to her mind and soul that would never truly heal.

  • A Worthy Weapon

    One misstep. That’s all it took. You barely caught the sight of…something…materializing from shadow in her hand, before a blindingly hot pain in your chest and a sickening crunch.

  • 5459

    Up close, it was beautiful in a way. Long, raven-black hair turned a deep, soft blue at the ends. Its figure was slim, lithe, and small – it couldn’t have been more than five feet tall. It stared intently at the ground, standing before the witch.