
  • suburban combat doll

    Please don’t take retired combat dolls to the suburbs. Not only will they probably pick fights with your local HOA for one reason or another, but they still need proper stimulation and your neighbors may complain!

  • dear combat doll

    Come back intact this time, dear. That’s an order, understood?

  • terrible combat doll

    “Ma’am, let me get this straight. You repurposed a civilian assistant doll into a combat doll?” “Yes.” “…that’s a fucking terrible idea. It’s your funeral though, I guess.” “Whatever. Am I dismissed, major?” Fucking witches.

  • The Archetype

    There were many built like her, but she was the archetype. Experimental technology deemed too dangerous or too high-maintenance for her production-model sisters, and an intellect backed with true artificial intelligence made her formidable, even among newer models. The navy deemed her too expensive to produce.

  • heat doll

    Combat dolls are easily appreciated – automata finely tuned to wreak havoc and cause immense amounts of destruction. Their kin, on the other hand, are sorely under-appreciated – firefighting dolls, and their attendant rescue crews.

  • Sophistication

    Nearly a kilometer away, its handler watched through the scope of a high-power rifle. It was unaccustomed to being the center of attention – at least, the attention of people not trying to kill it.